Hiking the Grand Canyon

When it comes to hiking trips to take in the Southwest, we here at Southwest Discoveries never hesitate to recommend the beauty, awe and wonder one experiences when Hiking the Grand Canyon.

I recently came across of blog entitled “Escaping the Midwest” where the author Julie describes in detail her very first trip hiking the Grand Canyon with her husband. Her trip consisted of a four-day hike traversing the 5800-foot descent hiking north Kaibab Trail, broken down by her daily experiences.

Their first couple of days were spent traveling through the Supai tunnel en route to the Cottonwood Campground, with it’s delightful Roaring Springs waterfall of Bright Angel Creek that supplies the entire Grand Canyon with fresh water, to the little slice of civilization on the other side of “The Box” – an enclosed area of canyon walls seemingly reaching all the way to the sky – called Phantom Ranch.

Day three and four of their included stops at Indian Gardens, decorated with its luscious, green cottonwood trees, sunset at Plateau Point and the Devil’s corkscrew.

On the last day hiking the Grand Canyon they covered 5 miles and approximately 3600 feet in elevation hiking to the very rim of the canyon.

Editor’s note: It is important to point out that the author spent some time preparing for her trip by hiking nearby hills with weighted packs.

If you have wondered what a trip hiking the Grand Canyon would be like, be sure to check out Julie’s article located here: http://escapingthemidwest.com/the-grand-canyon-rim-to-rim and then contact us here at Southwest Discoveries and plan your very own Grand Canyon Adventure.

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