Hiking Angels Landing – Spectacular, Exhilarating & Terrifying

Despite its difficulty, hiking Angels Landing is the most popular hike among outdoor adventurers in Zion National park. One such hiking “over-the-top obsessed with hiking” enthusiast is Chelsea Alves, The Sun Kissed Hiker. Having been bitten by the hiking bug after just one hike, Chelsea has gone on to experience close to 50 different hiking trails across the Southwest and has done an absolutely stunning job of sharing that experience with her readers on her blog. In fact, sunkissedhiker.com is #5 on our list of the top 50 southwest adventure blogs.

Back in December of last year, Chelsea shared her adventure hiking Angels Landing, the perfect trail for seasoned hikers (who aren’t afraid of heights) to expand their horizons and challenge themselves. With its strenuous elevation gain of 1500 ft over the course of 5 miles, experienced hikers are sure to find themselves challenged in every way. Expect your trek to last between 3-6 hours, zig-zagging through a series of 20 plus switchbacks delightfully named “Walter’s Wiggles”, experiencing breathtaking views along the way.

Chelsea, does, however, offer up these words of warning:

“Angels Landing is not only a strenuous trail but also dangerous. Inexperienced hikers, those afraid of heights, or people who experience altitude sickness should not partake in this hike. Since 2004, a half a dozen hikers have died on this hike. Angels Landing is no joke!”

In her post, Chelsea provides her readers 7 tips to better help prepare them for their own hiking angels landing adventure.

For instance:

“Tip #3: Start this hike early. Not only will less people be on the trail but you will also allow yourself more time to take pictures and enjoy the scenery without feeling rushed.”

Tip #7 is one worth taking special note of to avoid a hefty fine. 😉

When hiking angels landing, the views of both sides of the canyon are truly spectacular, exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time. Photographs can hardly do this place of beauty justice. One can only fully understand the beauty of this incredible natural wonder by hiking angels landing themselves.

You can read the rest of Chelsea’s tips and all about her hiking Angels Landing experience, including the rest of her incredible photos*, on her blog sunkissedhiker.com.

*All images used in the post are Copyright© Chelsea Alves and the sunkissedhiker.com.

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