Top Travel Blogs for Senior Adventures
Baby boomers, 70 million strong and avid adventure travelers, are life-long learners. They invented the eco-tourism trend and tend to shun large tour groups. They thrive on the discovery of off-the-beaten-path places, both in America and around the planet. We’ve written about them extensively in this 5-part Baby Boomer Travel series: from Senior Tours and how you’re never too old for an adventure to the 15 benefits of hiking for baby boomers; from multigenerational vacations to unique bucket list ideas. Today’s post rounds out series by giving you a list of the top Senior Adventures Baby Boomer Blogs on the web.
As you know, there are a massive number of amazing baby boomer travel blogs and sites out there. Therefore, we decided to separate the wheat from the chaff and give you the absolute cream of the crop. We rounded up 47 Awesome Senior Adventures Travel Blogs in 2016 you should be following. These blogs will transport you to fascinating and beautiful places and provide tools, tips, and techniques to help you get the most out of your travel. If you’re looking for entertaining, insightful and educational baby boomer travel articles and websites, you’ve come to the right place!
47 Awesome Senior Adventures Travel Blogs For 2016
Senior Adventures
Donna and Alan Hull provide some of the most complete and thorough guides to baby boomer travel on the web and are usually off on another exciting adventure. Their writing, photography and travel resources are excellent and they will inform you of what to expect on your next trip. Their forays include not only domestic trips but international adventures as well. This is absolutely one of the best baby boomer travel sites on the list!
Their website is located at:
Clark Norton is an extraordinary travel copywriter and Baby-Boomer travel expert, truly one of the most inspiring people I’ve met. He is a freelance journalist who specializes in travel-related copywriting assignments. A voracious traveler, Clark has roamed the globe – throughout the Far East and across Europe – and has recently relocated and set up camp here in Tucson, Arizona. The perspective he brings to his articles is truly worth the read.
His website is located at:
Billy and Akaisha Kaderli, retirement experts, are published authors on topics ranging from finance to world travel. In 1991 at the ripe old age of 38, they quit their full-time jobs in the brokerage and restaurant businesses and embarked on a journey which took them around the world. They have been traveling ever since. With the wealth of information, they share on their popular website, they have inspired other people to achieve their own retirement dreams. They wrote the popular books “The Adventurer’s Guide to Early Retirement“ and “Your Retirement Dream IS Possible“. On their various excursions throughout the world, they have tales to tell!
Their website is located at:
Barbara Weibel, a world traveler, has created one of the most successful baby boomer travel blogs out there, and for good reason: Her stories are fascinating and her photography is brilliant. The name of her blog was derived because of Barbara’s jobs, in her previous life, were unfulfilling. They “paid the bills but brought no joy, I felt like a hole in the donut, solid on the outside but empty on the inside,” as she phrased it. Today she travels extensively and stays long term in most countries and writes about the people while immersing herself in the culture of the region.
You can visit her website at:
Stride Travel, geared for older travelers, is a great resource for touring throughout the world. It reviews the marketplace for pre-planned travel which includes multi-day guided tours, adventure travel packages and small ship and river cruises.
They review and feature trips on every continent on the globe from over 400 leading tour companies.
You can visit their website at:
Suzanne and Craig have a passion for sharing their expertise and excitement for travel, including exotic restaurants featuring delicious food, and unique products. Their blog is geared for mid-life travelers. Suzanne writes “What is life without adventure? Now that their kids are grown and happily living on their own, it is time to focus on what we want!” They launched in January 2014 to help galvanize a global community of people who don’t plan to spend this time of their life sitting on the sideline.
Their website is located at:
Jonathan Look’s blog offers travelogues of true adventure. He is a talented photographer and writer who has traveled the world since he retired in 2011. It was then that Jonathan sold everything he owned, took an early retirement and started on his grand adventure. As he puts it, his mission was to “demonstrate to his fellow baby boomers that the world is not some scary place and it is still open and available to those who are motivated and curious enough to go out and see it for themselves.”
His website can be found at:
Irene S. Levine is an expert travel writer who writes about her adventures throughout the world. From Portugal, to Newfoundland, Labrador and Greenland, baby boomers will love her informative and interesting writing. Irene also reviews and recommends travel books and gear, designed to make travel easier and more enjoyable.
Her website can be found here:
Mature Resources is not strictly a travel blogsite however they have published interesting articles on baby boomer travel. A couple of terrific articles of theirs worth reading are Why Traveling Will Be Huge for Baby Boomers in 2016 and 10 best places to travel with kids for Refreshment. They believe that 99% of baby boomers will travel in 2016 and will boost their travel budget. Enjoy their articles geared for the baby boomer generation.
The mature resources website can be found here:
A Travelers Library is spearheaded by Vera Marie Badertscher, a freelance writer for nearly 20 years. Her website, a great resource, helps people find books and movies which enrich their travels. Through her crisp prose, you will wander the globe through novels, histories, biographies and travel narratives.
Her website can be found here:
Jim Ferri, the editor of Never Stop Traveling, is a voracious traveler. His aim is to share his and others “real experiences while traveling the world. His and his associate writers cut through all of the hype and tell people about really interesting places to go and as well as his experiences there. He accompanies his concise journalism with great photography.
His website is located here:
Sherry, the author of Otts World, called herself “a corporate cube dweller turned nomadic traveler.” Her expert writing and photography transport folks to off the beaten path locales and highlight exceptional travel experiences. Her passion is convincing people to travel more and discover their own passions.
Her website is located here:
Solo Traveler is the blog for people who travel alone. Janice and Tracey share their passion for traveling alone and exchange expert tips, suggestions, and encouragements. They celebrate charming and enthralling destinations, complete with photos contributed by their readers.
Their website is located here:
Lynne and Tim sold their house (a shared refrain with other travel bloggers), gave their furniture away and lived for five years in rented apartments internationally. They have lived everywhere from Argentina to Germany to Morocco. They still live home free, carrying only two suitcases, two computers, and the willingness to make a home and adapt almost anywhere. Their website covers articles ranging from the best way to choose a vacation rental, to how to downsize a 2,000 square foot house into two duffle bags.
Their website is located here:
Not to be confused with above on our list of the top senior adventures travel blogs, Jennifer Huber is a solo traveler who describes herself in this fashion. “I’m just your average forty-something-year-old gal living life solo.” When people ask her if she gets lonely traveling solo, her response is always, “I’m traveling alone, not lonely.” Jennifer is an avid hiker who has worked in parks such as Yellowstone, Death Valley, and Everglades. Moreover, her travels have led her around the world, from Brazil to Afghanistan. You will enjoy her stimulating and attention grabbing stories.
Her website is located here:
Dave and Veronica, empty nesters, decided to “rather than mope around the house,” sell their home and travel the world. On their successful blogpost, they chronicle their hilarious adventures while wandering the globe. They published a book called “Going Gypsy.” PBS’s Next Avenue said “If you are tempted by the awakening of your own long-dormant wanderlust, Going Gypsy can serve as a primer. The questions Veronica poses about ‘what next’ are relatable ones for all empty nesters.”
Their website is located here:
Suzanne, who calls herself “a recovering social security and immigration lawyer in Philadelphia” writes “as baby boomers, we often find our generation viewed as the elephant in the room— our schools overflowed, we’re going to bankrupt Social Security and Medicare, yada yada yada.” She gave up a full-time legal career for a part time work schedule which allowed her to satisfy her thirst for world travel and adventure with her husband, whom she calls “Mr. Excitement.” Enjoy their insightful articles on Boomeresque.
Thier website is located here:
National Association of Baby Boomer Woman is the only association which addresses issues regarding “38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest, and best-educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.” While not strictly a travel website, their published articles include “Going Solo on Safari,” and “Botswana Highlights,” for instance. Their stories are both utilitarian, interesting and entertaining at the same time.
Thier website is located here:
For Dyanne of, her passion has always been off-the-beaten-path travel. In her words, she’s always lived life “like a kid in a candy store, eager to sample as many flavors as I can.” Casting aside a master’s degree and a solid career, she launched an international touring company specializing in small group travel in Costa Rica. Her excellent blog covers the full gamut, everything from travel tips to destinations in Africa, Asia and around the globe.
Her website is located here:
It is a recurrent theme that many of our baby boomer travel bloggers on this list have in common. Kristin Henning and Tom Bartel sold their home and belongings to travel the world. They also sold their business in 2010 and have been traveling the planet ever since. Their blogsite includes stories, photos, and practical tips which offer travelers the knowledge and incentive to journey to far-flung locations.
Their website is located here:
Leyla, of Women on the Road, has set out to empower women to travel solo by providing useful and inspiring information on travel safety as well as highlighting great destinations geared toward women. She loves inspiring women to overcome their fears and see the world on their own terms. Her blogsite shows women how to make money as they travel, choose the best volunteer vacation and eating out alone, among many other things.
Here website is located here:
Boomer Café hones in on articles relating to baby boomer lifestyle topics, including travel. Their writing is always stimulating and motivating. Recent topics include health benefits of walking for people over 50 and a baby boomer who celebrated her 60th birthday by hiking what is arguably Europe’s toughest long distance footpath in Corsica. You will be entertained and enriched by their fascinating and attention-grabbing writing.
Their website is located here: is the lifestyle site for the discriminating,” with articles ranging from food & entertaining, style & fashion, arts & entertainment and health, money, travel and lifestyle. Their travel articles, catered to mature travelers, are first-rate. Readers will be enthralled by this out of the ordinary travelogue.
Their website is located here:
Midlife Boulevard features superb travel articles baby boomers will adore and benefit from. For instance, vacationing in Umbria Italy, parents studying abroad, and test driving expat life are just a few of the topics. After perusing their website, I’m ready to hit the road myself!
Their website is located here:
Doris Gallen of compiles the experience and knowledge of baby boomers to work for you. She has circled the globe twice, set foot on all 7 continents, visited 50 plus nations and lived in 5 countries. Doris helps travelers and the professionals who serve them to make travel the extraordinary experience it should be.
Her website is located here:
Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me, a community of 350,000 women over 60. She started Sixty and Me to help other women her age to live happy, healthy and financially secure lives. She provides ideas for turning passions into profitable work, shares ways to build physical and mental health and to create a mindset that sees life after sixty as positive, vibrant and active. Margaret has created thousands of articles and videos on the topics that the baby boomer community cares about most.
Her website is located here:
Travel Writer and author of Wai-nani, A voice from Old Hawaii, Lost Angel Walkabout-One Traveler’s Tales and The Cowgirl Jumped Over the Moon, Linda Ballou believes that the secret to youth is to fill your mind with beauty. She writes, “It is the absorption of the beauty, found free of charge in nature, that will keep your heart clear and your mind cleansed.” In her previous life, Linda sold real estate in Los Angeles. Without her daily hikes into the Santa Monica Mountains, the stress of her profession would have overcome her. Today, her goal is to experience as many spectacular places as possible while they are still pristine. Her soon-to-be-published collection of travels essays Lost Angel Walkabout focuses on the healing power of wild places. I couldn’t agree more!
Linda is the adventure travel expert on National Association of Baby Boomer Women. The link to her articles is and her website is located here:
KiwiTravelWriter hones in on food, travel, and tips. Heather Hapet, the author of this blogpost, publishes articles focusing on real travel, genuine adventures, candid stories and thought provoking photos. Her book, Naked in Budapest, details her years as a lone traveler, a “passionate nomad,” as Heather calls it. It outlines her solo travels around the world at age 50, which started with her fear of flight on her first trip, Auckland New Zealand to Los Angeles and how she overcame it.
Jane Canapini is an obsessive traveler offering inspiration and information for wanderers over 45 years of age. Thirty years ago, she caught the travel bug. And like most carriers, she enthusiastically shares it with others. Jane loves the information-gathering process before a trip and is inspired by writing about her adventures with others after she returns home. Jane researches her upcoming trips obsessively and tirelessly.
Her website is located here:
Nancy Thompson lives the retirement good life on the cheap. A frugal adventurer, she enjoys life’s simple pleasures such as good food and wine. She wonders why she and her husband waited so long to make the leap. At 65 and 67, her husband and her were teetering on the edge of retirement and unfortunately, they didn’t get the memo about planning or saving for it. As Nancy terms it, “we’re going to have to get creative to find ways to live LARGE on a small budget. Fortunately, inspiration for their retirement adventure plan came in the form of an off-hand comment from her other half… about selling everything on eBay and becoming retired citizens of the world with just their backpacks and a small suitcase.
Their website can be found here:
In 1991 John Dwyer joined the Peace Corps. His Peace Corps service in Guatemala in 1991-92 led to work as a United Nations Volunteer in the first elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina after the Bosnian War. John has since worked elections in 12 other countries. He has traveled to 53 countries in total. In the U.S. he has worked with FEMA as a reservist for the past twelve years and has experienced the joys and adventure of international travel. Today, he continues to both travel and volunteer internationally.
His website can be found here:
Ron and Michele are boomer motorcyclists from Perth Western Australia. They left home on January 13th, 2014 to travel until the money ran out. They have traveled over 50,000 miles since leaving home and are currently in England.
Join them if you are a fellow explorer, armchair traveler or if you need a little inspiration for your next journey. Their sojourns have taken them to Europe, Asia, and Australia, among other places.
Their website can be found here:
Michelle Richmond is an award-winning travel editor and a member of the Society of American Travel Writers, NY Travel Writers Association and American Society of Journalists and Authors. Growing up abroad, combined with being a Pan Am stewardess in the 1970’s, fueled her passion for travel. That experience with the world offered a vast amount of travel stories; she relishes sharing them with her readers. As a longtime resident of Mexico City raising a young family, Michelle naturally developed an editorial slant which was primarily geared towards family travel. Consequently, her two daughters – who often accompanied her – were privy to priceless experiences as a result of her vocation.
Her website can be found here:
Susan Moore is a digital nomad, a bookkeeper and travel blogger who is currently road tripping around the USA. She loves to travel solo. “I get to be the boss of everything!” she verbalizes. Through the years, Susan has overcome her fear of travel. Having lived in Canada all her life she was in awe of this new world. All of her senses were treated to new and exotic experiences. “It was life-changing and extraordinary in so many ways. I returned home only because the money was running out and all I could think of was how much I wanted to travel again, to see more of the world.”
Her website can be found here:
Lisa Chavis and Cheryl MacDonald left executive level careers and have been traveling the world since 2007. Their goal is to travel the world and inspire others to “Live Your Dream!” They also share laughs & inspiration along the way. Lisa and Cheryl had normal jobs like everyone else but in 2007, they decided to sell everything and get an around-the-world plane ticket. Their travel bug was only supposed to last 6 months but they got hooked. They channel Helen Keller – “Life is either a Daring Adventure or nothing! “Their life mottos– What Boundaries? Live Your Dream! Certainly, words to live by!
Their website can be found here:
Carol Coleborn is the author of Carolina: Cruising to an American Dream, available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Carolina Esguerra Colborn was prominent in Philippine business before she migrated to the US in 2004. She was former President/CEO of BayanTrade, the e-procurement hub of the Philippines. She was camping at Yosemite National Park in 2009 when, one night during her walk, she came upon four men in their 20s, cooking dinner and just simply having a good time. It turned out that Trey, Thomas, Stephen, and Matt had just finished a five-month stint at Grand Teton National Park. They had just graduated from college and were ‘cruising’ before they settled into conventional life. This experience inspired Carol to become an avid traveler. She says that baby boomers were “associated with a rejection or redefinition of traditional values… tended to think of themselves as a special generation, very different from those that had come before…”
Here website can be found here:
Donna Meyer is the creator of She explains who are these “Nomad Women” of whom she refers to. Her short answer she writes, is “we’re women who travel… or want to. We’re not girls. We’re not “Millennials” or “Gen-Xers” or “Gen-Yers.” We’re not kids. We are mature women and we’ve been around for a while… around the block, around the country, or around the world… and we’re not done yet. Call us Baby Boomers. Call us the Peter Pan Generation. Call us 50+ers. Just don’t call us OLD. Back in the ’60s, we helped change the world. Now, in our 60s (or getting close), we want to see more of it.” Take some time to absorb her insightful and interesting journalism.
Her website can be found here:
Paula and Gordon call themselves destination and experience Influencers, “who are a little left of center” They are consummate professionals because they are passionate about what they do. For example, they will share with you the best street food to be found in Bangkok. This is why Contented Traveller is so successful. They know you have worked hard, and that you have earned the right to experience the joys of travel. Paula and Gordon love the diversity that travel experiences can offer, such as staying at a beautiful 5-star hotel in Paris, a treehouse with a giraffe in a wildlife lodge in Canberra, lodging in a shabby chic houseboat in Amsterdam, a ryokan in Japan, and a cave house in Goreme, Turkey. They write about skiing, backstreet massages in Chiang Mai and having a drink and interacting with locals.
Their website can be found here:
Shelley and Darrell McKeating are travel addicted graphic designers, empty nesters and food lovers from Canada. They share stories and photos of wonderful places, and money-saving tips to help you travel more. Shelley writes and Darrell takes a lot of the photos. Their home is beautiful Calgary, Alberta, and so far, they’ve visited 30 countries. Spending time in a new place, and getting to know the people, food and culture are what they love most.
Their website can be found here: consists of three pages, their previous lives before they veered off the pathway of the “Great American Dream” and decided to try something completely different., their current page which talks about their experiences from full-time nomads to semi-nomads with a base in Portugal, to Musings on the Road. Written over two years ago, their third page includes reflections about the changes they see in themselves as well as the way they view the world around them. A fascinating read.
Their website can be found here:
Michele Peterson is an award-winning freelance Toronto-based travel writer, editor, blogger, social media consultant, fundraiser and founder of the A Taste for Travel blog. A food adventurer, she explores the world’s most amazing food, drink and sun destinations. With more than a decade of experience creating compelling content for print, web, and mobile platforms, Michele has proven expertise in bringing stories to life. These skills have also been harnessed for social good. In her work as a fundraising professional, she’s raised over $10 million in funding for Canadian and international NGOs for causes ranging from defending environmental justice to fighting poverty through microcredit, health, and education. She began her career in the world of finance where, as vice-president Investments, her team achieved a record-breaking $750 million in annual sales.
Her website can be found here:
A long time expat discovering the world with her camera, and her taste buds; one country, one photo, one chili pepper at a time, Nancie is a transplanted Canadian who has been living, working, and taking photographs in Asia since late 2000. Prior to beginning her one-year expat adventure (now into year 9) She earned a Master’s degree, and now teaches at the university level. This allows her both the time and money required to travel several times a year. Nancie is also a freelance writer and has co-authored several TOEFL testing textbooks with Compass Publishing. Her goal with is to provide readers with a firsthand account of Nancie’s travel experiences.
Her website can be found here:
Dare 2 Go has been a top-notch travel blog & photography resource since 2006. Yasha Sharon Langford (Australian by birth) and Juergen Klein (German by birth) recently went outside the guide books and embarked on an overland travel adventure in their own 4×4 camper, exploring throughout North and South America, traveling slow and easy. Can you imagine spending almost every hour of every day with your partner, living in a space of roughly 16 square feet, for over 3 years? That is exactly what they did during their last trip through the Americas, and they enjoyed the life so much that now they have decided to do it again. They must be crazy about travel!
Their website can be found here:
Dr. Cacinda Maloney, a travel writer and Social Media Influencer, has traveled every six weeks of her life for 20+ years. She has worked with a multitude of airlines, hotels, restaurants, public relations and tour companies, as well as over 30 tourism boards worldwide since August 2012. PointsandTravel is a travel resource focusing on destinations combining adventure and luxurious travel. She has hiked Machu Picchu, zip-lined through a rainforest in Mexico, rappelled a 100-foot waterfall in Costa Rica., kayaked in the Galapagos, sailed through Greece, danced with natives in Fiji, swam with stingrays in the Cayman Islands and dived with Sharks in Roatan. It is an understatement to say that Cacinda lives life to the fullest!
Her website can be found here:
Mark Kahler, a budget travel expert at, helps people answer questions, solve problems, learn something new and get inspired. He is an American journalist and writer with three decades of professional experience. He’s also an avid traveler who has visited all 48 contiguous U.S. states and more than 30 other countries around the world. Mark has traveled from the former Berlin Wall to the Great Wall of China to cover stories. In his experience, spending large sums of money does nothing to bring people closer to the places they visit. He helps readers save their money for enjoyable travel expenditures. Mark has focused on budget travel for since 1999.
His articles can be found here:
The Walking Tourists, spearheaded by Tim & Lisa Trudell, love to write about local, regional, national and international travel. They originally launched the site to share their experiences with friends and family. Whether it’s across the world or in their own backyard in Omaha, Nebraska, they are lovers of all things travel, food and adventure. They visit many cities in search of new experiences and undiscovered gems. Lisa Trudell’s career was the travel industry, working at a hotel company and a travel agent. Tim Trudell photographs the fabulous places, people, and events they come into contact with in their voyages.
Their website can be found here:
When the majority of Nancy Brown’s classmates were headed to UC Berkeley, a few miles from her old high school, she broke from the flock and attended the University of Oregon’s Journalism School. Upon graduation, she escaped California to live in Boston to experience the East Coast. About the time that her peers were getting married and starting families, Nancy started a public relations agency with a friend, quit her job, put her possessions in storage and backpacked through Europe with her newlywed husband. While Nancy has not necessarily followed the yellow brick road, she has pursued her passion of travel and writing. What a trip it has been!
Her website can be found here:
Lois Alter Mark is the reigning champion of Blogger Idol (yes, that’s really a thing!) and an award-winning writer who sees the world through rose-colored bifocals. She has documented some of the best experiences of her life on her blog since turning 50, including going to Australia with Oprah, winning three BlogHer Voices of the Year Awards and making her bucket list trip to Londolozi in South Africa. She knows what makes her happy and she’s going for it. Her blog Midlife at the Oasis is a community of women who feel the same way, and who have the power to make things happen — for themselves and others.
Her website can be found here:
Charles McCool is an independent, how-to travel expert, author, speaker, and consultant whose articles and travel advice have appeared in hundreds of online publications, including Condé Nast, Frommers, Orbitz, Smarter Travel, TripAdvisor, USA Today, and was profiled in the World’s Smartest Traveler series. Charles shows travelers how to find destinations and deals to fit their travel style and budget.
His ultimate goal: increase travel happiness and reduce stress on every trip.
His website can be found here:
The daily grind of corporate life had Duncan and James Dempster Smith working long hours and as they phrased it, ” commuting, earning a salary, paying taxes and putting money aside for retirement – it seemed a never-ending cycle.” When one of their sons took a gap year they decided to follow their own adventures, traveling to Macchu Pichu, Iguassu Falls, Myanmar, hot air ballooning in Cappadocia and many other bucket list forays. Jane and Duncan offer advice to Baby Boomers on how to get off the treadmill and start implementing their own travel bucket list. Moreover, they offer advice on travel planning, downsizing, time management and adventure on a budget.
Their website can be found here:
Di was always a “go getter.” She wanted adventure and excitement and something new to do; from being a Scuba Diving Instructor to setting up her own business. She mountain biked, surfed, competed in bodybuilding and ran a personal training business. Di once headed off on a round the world trip with her family for 8 weeks. Her husband Dave decided to “turn his world completely upside down and walk out into the unknown.” He immigrated to Australia from Lancashire England with his parents in the early 1970’s and was an avid traveler throughout his 20’s and later sought adventure with his wife Diane. With kids in tow they visited England, Europe, Asia and America. Now that their kids are gone, their desire for travel has increased even further. So Di and Dave decided to hit the open road, “spending their inheritance” as they term it. Their hope is to “circumnavigate the world without flying. ” They are always re-evaluating re-planning and setting new goals.
Follow their adventures at: